It's almost the end of the month! We've managed to get a lot of progress done on both sizes for this month. Since the collab began, we managed to fill all slots within less than two weeks, got HALF of the roster submitted, and got a lot of graphic and programming stuff completed! I've spent all day working on the category menu, along with other UI fixes. I hope you'll all appreciate my dedication to mocking-up the original as accurately as possible! Here's this week statistics:
- 30 of 59 users has finished pieces (50%)
- 29 artists have work-in-progress pieces (50%)
Good news! MSGHero is preparing a playable test this weekend so we can see how everything is coming together. Like I said previously, I'm making all the UI graphics for the game portion of this collab, so it'll be exciting to see how he compiles all my work coming together! Looking forward to sharing more on that soon.
theweathermanYT is still in development for creating the soundtracks.
This is the last weekly update for the Subspace Emissary Collab. Other updates will be when all artists have submitted their work, and when the game is near completion. This weekend, I will be sending notices out to ALL unfinished artists for this collaboration. Though we still have way over a month to complete all works, I still will highly urge those with spare time to finish their pieces as soon as possible.
Thank you to all who have read to this point and thank you to those who submitted your art already! Good luck to everyone and I hope to see more soon!